Who can adopt?
Every child is unique. When we look for adopters we are looking for those who are emotionally and financially able to provide a secure and loving family for a child to grow up in, so that they can live happy and fulfilling lives.
The decision to adopt is not an easy one, and there are still misconceptions about who is eligible to adopt and how long the process takes. There are many questions you will have about your suitability to adopt, and we hope the information here will provide answers to those questions and help you in making your decision.
Marital Status
You don’t have to be married to adopt. You can be single, in a civil partnership, living together or married. We would expect that your relationship is a settled one and has had time to establish before you approach us to consider adoption.
Religion and ethnicity
We welcome applications from people who live in rented accommodation or who are owner occupiers. What matters is that your accommodation has
Do you already have children?
Criminal background
Other Questions? Our Recruitment and Assessment Team are happy to help
Available during office hours on 0300 123 9868, email us at enquiries@aspireadoption.co.uk, or get in touch below.